Designs are now kept in “My Account” under downloads. Only the 3 most recently purchased designs will be appear before opening your downloads.
I joined the Ruby Club. How do I select and get my designs each month?
RUBY CLUB: After logging in, select 3 Edge to Edge designs, and place all of them in your cart. When 3 E2E or b2b designs are in your cart, the price will be updated to $0.00. Simply proceed to checkout. When you have less than 3 e2e or b2b designs in your cart, it will give you your Club Discount, and not be counted as your Ruby Club discount. Once you have placed your order and you have an Order confirmation, click on My Account, and go to Downloads. Your designs will be displayed and can be downloaded. NOTE this only works once per month. Ruby club designs do NOT carry over from month to month. They must be selected during the current month.
I joined the Bronze Club. How do I select and get my designs each month? Your designs are automatically placed into your downloads each month. You can access them under “My Account” under downloads.
I joined the Silver Club. How do I access and get my designs each month? Your designs are automatically placed into your downloads each month. There will be a folder with your Bronze set and one for your Silver designs. You can access them under “My Account” under downloads.
I joined the GOLD Club. How do I access and get my designs each month? Your designs are automatically placed into your downloads on the first of each month. There will be a folder with your Bronze set, one for your Silver designs and one folder with the Special for the month! You can access them under “My Account” under downloads.
In January and July the SPECIAL will be a choose your own b2b designs. (there will not be a folder for the Special in your downloads these months.) As a GOLD member, you will need to select 7 b2b of your choice during the current month as they will not be available after the end of the month. Your first set of 7 will be included as part of your GOLD club membership! If you would like to select 7 more designs from the e2e category during this Special, the price will drop to $50 for each set of 7. You will need to check out with 7 e2e designs in your cart. You can then get as many sets of 7 b2b as you would like during the current months of January and July. If the price is not dropping to $50, check to make sure you don’t have any print your own, borders, blocks, etc.
This is available for ALL club members!